Tyler County Heritage Society
Press Releases

Release Date Press Release
For further information, contact email President@heritage-village.org

Change of Manager at the Heritage Village Museum Complex

WOODVILLE, Texas – The Tyler County Heritage Society, Inc. Board of Directors is excited to announce key leadership changes at our company. Ofeira Gazzaway, our Executive Director, for the last 35+ years retired on Dec. 31, 2024. We thank her for her significant contributions. The Village has seen extended growth in exhibits, fun events, and exciting tours. Also, new venues having been added, we have grown into a complex. We wish Ofeira well in future endeavors.

While we will greatly miss Mrs. Gazzaway’s guidance and vision, we are excited to announce that Cydney Tucker will be stepping into the role of Executive Director, effective Feb. 3, 2025. Tucker brings more than 15 years of useful experience in our museum industry to the position.

Tucker has been working for many years in various assignments. Her skills include organizing, leading, preserving, promoting, managing staff, and budgets. And her education covers extensive learning in the Arts. We are convinced that she will provide new ideas and develop our museum exhibits and events to an exciting new level. With her background in the Arts and performance productions, we will see growth and refinement in our future while she maintains our vision of Tyler County from 1840 to 1920 with a focus on Education and Artifact preservation.

We think you for your extended trust and continued successful cooperation during this transition.

Hope to serve you soon,
Tyler County Heritage Society, Inc. DBA: Heritage Village Museum
October 23, 2024 ’Texas Comedies presentation coming on Heritage Village’s Stage:"

WOODVILLE, Texas – A Musical Comedy about the Most Dangerous Town in Texas

In the 1920s, wildcat oil strikes, overnight wealth and Prohibition gave rise to lawless new towns. The most notorious of these was the unruly city of Borger, Texas.

Based on memoirs and trial transcripts, Boomtown follows land promoter Ace Borger, who capitalized on oil strikes in the Texas Panhandle. With the notorious Two-Gun Dick Herwig installed as sheriff, the town is soon overrun with wild dancehalls, bootleg liquor joints, and gambling halls.

Presented by Texas Comedies, who brought you the shows Bonnie & Clyde: A Musical Comedy, Prohibition, The Feud, and other "mostly-true" musical comedies.



Contact Ofeira Gazzaway (hvillagemuseum@att.net / 409-283-2272 or 800-323-2194) for information. November 16, 2024 at 7 PM at Heritage Village in Woodville, Texas. Tickets on sale at the Heritage Village Museum Store and Sullivans’ Hardware in Woodville. Adult $20, Children $10

October 6, 2024 ’Boucher shares photographic passion with Village exhibit WOODVILLE, Texas – Tracee Boucher believes that opportunities to capture beauty can be found anywhere and everywhere.

“I love to travel and take my camera along with me wherever I go. You never know where you are going to find a unique or surprising subject to photograph,” she said.

Boucher, who works as a dyslexia teacher at Warren Elementary, and lives in Colmesneil, has been an amateur photographer for many years, and focuses on landscapes and historic sites. She has been entering photo contests for about 10 years and has won multiple awards for her works. Many of her photos are now on display at Heritage Village in the special exhibits room behind the Museum Gift Shop. “A photograph is capturing an image to keep in our hearts forever,” she said.

Boucher’s photographs in the exhibit are taken from her travels all over the country, and showcase natural beauty from locales such as Estes Park, Colo., to scenic drives in Arkansas and the Texas Hill Country.

The Tracee Boucher Photos are on display at Heritage Village and is free to the public. Check with the Museum Store Clerk.

For shutterbugs who might be interested in showcasing their work, Heritage Village hosts an ongoing photo contest using its Big Woods Trail as the prompt and location. The Big Woods Photo Contest, in which visitors to the Village’s Big Woods Trail are invited to take photographs and submit them to the email address PhotoContest@heritage-village.org, is adjudicated by members of the Tyler County Art League.

The entries must include the name of the photographer, city of residence and state, and all entries must be taken in the Big Woods. The contest allows up to three photos per photographer each month, and the winning photos are posted on the kiosk at the trailhead.

The annual winning photograph will be announced at the annual meeting of the Tyler County Heritage Society, and the photographer’s name will be permanently added to the Photographer’s Bench along the trail.

March 4, 2023 ’New Extended Weedend Hours for the Pickett House Restaurant WOODVILLE, Texas – The Pickett House Restaurant will implement new Friday and Saturday hours starting on Friday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day). The restaurant will remain open until 7pm on Friday nights and Saturday nights. Open at 11am and close at 7pm. Click to download more detal information about the Pickett Restaurant Hours..
January 14, 2023 ’He Ain’t Hungry’ – Thoughts on F. E. (Ab) Abernethy’s Legacy Dr. Untiedt will be speaking about the importance of recognizing and appreciating folklore in our lives, including one aspect of it in particular: sharing stories with others, especially those of real-life experiences passed orally from one generation to another. Dr. Untiedt will enlighten us on why this is important to us. And one cannot talk about folklore without mentioning Dr. Abernethy who published books on poetry, short stories, folk music, legends, and a three-volume history of the Texas Folklore Society. Many in our area might remember Dr. Abernethy as he also taught at Woodville High School in the past. The meeting and presentation starts at 7 PM on Monday, January 23, 2023 in the Pickett House Restaurant in Heritage Village, Woodville, Texas. Click to download information about Dr. Untiedt and more details for pre-meeting activities and the TCHS's Annual Membership Meeting..
September 3, 2022 "JAM ON THE GREEN" is our 1st Musical Event Fundraiser to support the construction of the new miniture train museum. Come join our country jam on September 10th with the pre-entertainment by the Big Thicket Ramblers and Chris Edwards at 6 pm. Then featuring Cortney Hale Revia with the Rustic Bird at 7 pm. Click to download more information on our 1stMusical event.
March 18, 2022 "DOC BEAN" is an audio e-book for ages 9 and under The book focuses on encouraging kids to become Doctors and Nurses, etc. "DOC BEAN" is narrated by Kassidy Hadnot, a 4th grader in Beaumont Independent School Dist. Kassidy will be showcasing the book at the Tyler County Festival-of-the-Arts weekend at Heritage Village, Woodville, Texas on Saturday, March 19, 2022.
March 18, 2022 Dinnner-on-the-Grounds at Heritage Village in Woodville, Texas has returned after a 2-year absence due to the pandemic. The event is scheduled during Tyler County's Festival of the Arts weekend on Sunday, March 20, 2022 from 11am until 2pm. Join us for an "old fashioned" meal, music, and fellowship. Tickets are adult $10, Children 12 and under are $5. The ticket covers the meal, entertainment and village entrance fee.
August 15, 2021 Heritage Village's Lecture Series is back with a presentation on Black Bears titled: Recovering the Louisiana Black Bear to Southeast Texas This event is on Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 6 PM at Heritage Village in Woodville Texas, Adrian F. Van Dellen, DVM is presenting his photographic capture of American Black Bears. He was privileged to join a group of Photographers at a black bear reserve. He has tales to tell of being just feet away from the bears. Read more about Dr. Van Dellen and his travels Also currently there is a free photo display in the Heritage Village Special Exhibit Room.
uly 15, 2021 Whitmeyer Genealogy Library is collaborating with FamilySearch to have their genealogical documents digitized for online retrieval. FamilySearch is a non-profit organization that is building a worldwide database of family information. The digitized data will be available on FamilySearch.org/archives in the future as well as available at Whitmeyer Library in Woodville, Texas for in-library computer based searches.
January 15, 2020 King Ranch - King Ranch lecture scheduled for Heritage Village on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 presented by Ray Hensarling, a rancher and self-described amateur historian. The ranch comprises 825,000 acres of South Texas Land, which included portions of 6 counties. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1961.
September 19, 2019 Ghost Stories - Annual spooky storytelling event scheduled at Heritage Village
September 19, 2019 Photo Contest - Heritage Village hosting photo contest
September 8, 2019 Texana Tales - Runaway Scrape & Songs of Susanna by Author/historian Donaly Brice and songwriter Fletcher Clark

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