The Village, Museum Store, Pickett House Restaurant, Whitmeyer Genealogy Library, Clyde Gray House, Museum, Big Woods Nature Trail, and the Cauble House are owned and operated
by the Tyler County Heritage Society, a non-profit organization
with members from all parts of the country interested in preserving
the East Texas Heritage. Memberships are available to anyone
on request. Yearly dues entitle members to free admittance
to the Village, newsletter, special discounts, and 4th of July
Picnic. Family & Business Memberships include spouse and children under the age of 12 living at the home of the membership holding parent.
Memberships due in January |
Individual Memberships |
$20.00 |
Family Memberships |
$30.00 |
Small Business Memberships |
$60.00 |
Download a membership form today! (PDF file)
Board Officers
Board Directors
Mike Cabamiss, President
Susan Blanks, Vice-President
Keelin Parker, Secretary
Chris Bennett, Treasurer
Joe Blacksher
Chris Edwards Erline Ingle Roschelle Springfield
Norman Teague
Annabeth Willis
C. D. Woodrome
Pete Zinnante
Request an electronic Newsletter
Download Volunteer Hour Tracking Form (PDF file - 2 pages)
Leave completed forms in the Whitmeyer Library or email: